Posts Tagged ‘America’

The Christian Right in America believes that if the government is run by Christians according to the writings in the Bible, the country will be fine.  This is in direct conflict with our Constitution.  So what is the disconnect here?  Is it that politicians are so terrible that they must be replaced with religious figures?  Or are religious figures terrible too?

Fundamentalist Christians, those who believe the Bible is the Word of God, read their sacred book daily.  However, interpretations vary widely.  From one group to the next, practices are different:  abhor weapons/stockpile guns, pray for sinners at home/preach on the street, do unto others/protest alternative lifestyles, live and let live/assimilate.  Are these Christian teachings?

Let’s look at what Christ wanted.  Jesus left his home at thirty and hit the road.  He told his followers to divest themselves of their worldly goods.  He told them to depend upon the kindness of strangers.  He said they should remain non-violent in the face of an attack.  He said the government and religion should be separate.  And most importantly He said to love one another.  He put no qualifications on that.  Love one another.

He didn’t say love heterosexuals, he didn’t say marriage is between a man and a woman, he didn’t say love only other Jews, he didn’t say hate Muslims.  He said love one another.  Simple, elegant, easy to understand. So why are Christians so hateful?

When you talk to a Christian about the bad behavior of other Christians, like the group that goes to military funerals and screams that the servicemen are going to hell because there are homosexuals in the Army, they will invariably say, “Oh, those aren’t REAL Christians.” But we know that’s not true.  They believe in Christ as their savior, they study the same Bible, they worship the same God.  These people feel it is their Christian duty to attack for God.  But don’t you think God can handle that himself?  Perhaps God put people Christians hate on Earth to test their Christian forbearance?  To exercise that love one another edict?If, as Christians are fond of saying, God doesn’t make mistakes, then why would he make homosexuals?  Why would he make sociopaths?  Why would he make people with disabilities?

People who attack these “mistakes” aren’t abberations, they are as Christian as any other group.  In fact, because they are defying the teachings of Christ and calling it Christianity, ironically they are the definition of the American Christian.

True followers of Jesus do not hate.  True followers of Jesus give and forgive.  True followers of Jesus love with gentleness.  True followers have no conflicts because they turn the other cheek, because they have no possessions worth fighting over, because they love one another.  And true followers do not rule.  They render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, rendering themselves unto God.

Jesus never said that his people should be the government.  He never suggested his followers should rule the Earth.  What he said was the meek shall inherit the Earth.  The meek don’t run for office.  They work quietly to do God’s bidding.  They don’t argue, they don’t shout, they don’t make a pubic display of themselves.

Now if the Christians here in America would just do what Christ wants of them, we’d all be a lot better off.