I’m Just a Ghost

Posted: March 20, 2014 in Uncategorized

CrAzY WoMaN!

Not All There Not All There

I’m just a ghost in this house.  I’m not seen nor spoken to except on occasions when I make a great effort.  My actions have no effect, my words have no sounds.  Silent, my essence drifts through the day, seen in glimpses by those who live here.  No one speaks unless they need, no one touches, no one acknowledges.  When I speak I am cut off.  I am not heard.

My efforts are fruitless here.  If I pick up, things go right back where they were before.  Move and organize and when I turn around, things have not changed.  Clean and it becomes dirty.  Ask for things to be done, I am not heard.  In fact I am not perceived unless I begin to feel great anger or am needed for some purpose.  Then I am summoned.

“Can you babysit when I go out of town for…

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